Monday, 22 January 2018

Latin tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay

Latin tattoo quotes:Source: (

Browsing through kilobytes of pages for good Latin quotes to use as a word tattoo? We have brought you the best Latin sayings that you may easily inscribe onto any part of your skin and make a stylish statement. A good quote can be a part of your entity and inspire you at all times, especially in those moments of crisis when all else seem to fail to provide you with succor. Check out our assortment of good Latin quotes and pick any that you like. You would love to have one of these tattooed onto your skin forever.
Latin Life Quotes for Tattoo

The various trials and tribulations of life sometimes wear down the best of humans. There are times when you feel your courage to be no match for the seemingly endless obstacles that your existence tosses at you with zeal. These inspiring Latin tattoo quotes on life are apt for such moments to be motivated with.

Dum spiro, spero (While there is life, there is hope).

Ut possitis vivere, vive (Live so that you may live).

Recordare quia ego Dominus (Remember that you have to live).

Facilius est vitae risus (Life is easier with a smile).

Sed anima plus est quam manere (Life is more than merely staying alive).

Latin Love Quotes for Tattoo

Described as one of the languages of romance, Latin quotes undoubtedly bring the best out of love. Few languages can describe the many aspects of love in as great a way as Latin and is it a surprise then that tattoos in this language are a hot favorite with body art enthusiasts the world over? Go and get yourself tattooed with any of these romantic Latin quotes as a tribute to your lover or possibly, love itself.

Odi et amo (I hate and I love).

Nam illa, quae dilexi (For those that I love).

Amare et honorare (Love and honor).

Ut diligas atque colui (So that I love and cherish).

Amor numquam moritur (Love never dies).

Latin Romantic Quotes for Tattoo

Short Latin Quotes for Tattoo

For those on a budget, short sayings are always the best ones. While that may be laughable, it is a fact that you can work wonders with a small saying in as big a manner as a long one – provided the underlying message is a deep one. Tattoo your skin with any of the short Latin quotes here and give yourself a boost.

Fortunam iuuare (Fortune favors the bold).

Non submersam, sed superficies (Not drowning, but surfing).

Lorem fugere discamus (I'll learn how to fly).

De possibilitate ad actum (From possibility to actuality).

Optata cunctis duxi paucis (Desired by all, felt by few).

Cool Latin Quotes for Tattoo

Far from being the tribal and ‘punks-only’ art that it was once looked down as, tattooing has evolved by leaps and bounds and has become a favorite skill to be displayed with élan. These are some cool quotes in Latin that would help you leave a strong impression on your beholders.

All that I can, I will.

I've looked closely into a lions eye.

Not with a whimper but a bang.

Dealing with the same hell, just different devils.

Visit Latin Quotes for Chest Tattoo.

Latin Tattoo Quotes for Men/Latin Tattoo Quotes for Guys

The appeal of quotes for men is often in their underlying strength. Powerful Latin sayings are usually a hit with guys of all ages and a shapely torso is the best platform for showcasing such quotations. Go over these inspiring Latin quotes that are a hit with the testosterone brigade.

Fuerunt facta non verba (Deeds, not words).

Perveniet ad altitudinem (Reach for the heights).

Facere et pati fortia (Do brave deeds and endure).

Ille vincit qui se vincit (He conquers who conquers himself).

Faber est quisque fortunae suae (Every man is architect of his own fortune).

Visit Latin Tattoo Quotes for Guys for more.

Latin Tattoo Quotes for Women/Latin Tattoo Quotes for Girls

Some wear femininity on their sleeves, some on their feet and there still are some who like to flaunt the sexiness of their gender through the beauty of the words inked on their body. Women are crazy about tattoos and fine Latin ones can bring the best out of the best of them. Girls would love getting tattooed with any of these Latin quotes and making a stylish statement.

Qui estis (Be who you are).

Sub Rosa (Under the rose).

Verba volant, scripta manent (Words fly away, writings remain).

Sed ego laboro supersunt (I struggle but I'll survive).

Unicuique proprium dat natura nobis pulchritudinem (Nature gives to each of us some beauties of our own).

Visit Latin Tattoo Quotes about Family.

Latin tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay

Latin tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay

Latin tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay

Latin tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay

Latin tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay

Latin tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay

Latin tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay

Latin tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay

Latin tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay

Latin tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay

Latin tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay

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