Thursday, 1 February 2018

Great tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay

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Denial this deep holds a kind of fascination for me.
I know you don’t want to hear about Mitt Romney but how about the weird psychological spectacle of massive denial in public figures. Does that interest you at all?
A vivid example came ‘round today...
Denial this deep holds a kind of fascination for me.

I know you don’t want to hear about Mitt Romney but how about the weird psychological spectacle of massive denial in public figures. Does that interest you at all?

A vivid example came ‘round today in an excerpt of a new book by Dan Balz, the Washington Post’s most experienced political reporter. His chronicle of campaign 2012 will be out next month. In late January Balz went to visit Mitt Romney to interview him. Of course, the topic of the “47 percent” video came up. Romney still cannot accept the reality of what he said. He’s not even close.

I expected him to be somewhere in the vicinity of, “I know what I meant to say, but when I listen to the tape I clearly said something else.” Maybe not all the way there, but on the way to reconciling himself to his actual words. But he isn’t on the way. He’s actually going backwards. He tried to convince Dan Balz that everything we know about the 47 percent video is just “perception,” that when you read the words themselves that perception is contradicted.

In reality it’s the reverse. His deluded perception is completely unsupported by the words themselves. Here’s what Romney told Balz, followed by the transcript of the 47 percent video. The bold-ing is mine. Romney starts out in semi-normal territory: the difference between what he meant to say and what people now perceive him to have said:

“That wasn’t what was meant by it. That is the way it was perceived.” I interjected, “But when you said there are 47 percent who won’t take personal responsibility — ” Before I finished, he jumped in. “Actually, I didn’t say that. . . .That’s how it began to be perceived, and so I had to ultimately respond to the perception, because perception is reality.”

Scanning his notes on an iPad, he began to read a long quotation, offering commentary as he read. At one point, he focused on the question posed at the Florida fundraiser.“Audience member: ‘For the last three years, all of us have been told this, ‘Don’t worry, we’ll take care of you.’ How are you going to do it in two months before the elections, to convince everyone you’ve got to take care of yourself?’ And I’m saying that isn’t my job. In two months, my job is to get the people in the middle. But this was perceived as, ‘Oh, he’s saying 47 percent of the people he doesn’t care about or he’s insensitive to or they don’t care — they don’t take responsibility for their life.’ No, no. I’m saying 47 percent of the people don’t pay taxes and therefore they don’t warm to our tax message. But the people who are voting for the president, my job isn’t to try and get them. My job is to get the people in the middle. And I go on and say that. Take a look. Look at the full quote. But I realized, look, perception is reality. The perception is I’m saying I don’t care about 47 percent of the people or something of that nature, and that’s simply wrong.”

So according to Romney, he didn’t say there are 47 percent who won’t take personal responsibility for their lives. And now let’s look at the full quote, his actual words to see how deep this denial runs:

Audience member: For the last three years, all everybody’s been told is, “Don’t worry, we’ll take care of you.” How are you going to do it, in two months before the elections, to convince everybody you’ve got to take care of yourself?

Romney: There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it. That that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. And I mean, the president starts off with 48, 49, 48—he starts off with a huge number. These are people who pay no income tax. Forty-seven percent of Americans pay no income tax. So our message of low taxes doesn’t connect. And he’ll be out there talking about tax cuts for the rich. I mean that’s what they sell every four years. And so my job is not to worry about those people—I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives. What I have to do is convince the 5 to 10 percent in the center that are independents that are thoughtful, that look at voting one way or the other depending upon in some cases emotion, whether they like the guy or not, what it looks like. I mean, when you ask those people…we do all these polls—I find it amazing—we poll all these people, see where you stand on the polls, but 45 percent of the people will go with a Republican, and 48 or 4…

To many people I discuss this sort of thing with, there’s nothing to discuss. Romney is simply lying about what he said, and he’s not very good at it. But this isn’t lying. Lying is trying to conceal what happened with an untruth. The truth of what Romney said is already out there. He knows it’s out there. But he cannot accept it. The right name for that is denial, not lying. And what a spectacle it remains! 

The only journalist I know of who’s ventured seriously into Romney’s capacity for denial is Frank Rich in this essay from January of 2012. Rich argued that Romney’s Mormon faith was foundational to who he is and how he thinks, but the campaign he ran had placed it off limits. This meant that deep denial was a constitutive feature of the Romney-for-president project. Rich wrote:

We’re used to politicians who camouflage their real views about issues, or who practice fraud in their backroom financial and political deal-making, but this is something else. Romney’s very public persona feels like a hoax because it has been so elaborately contrived to keep his core identity under wraps.

“This is something else.” I agree with that. Denial was at the heart of the Romney campaign and it remains there.

Photo credit Gage Skidmore, Creative Commons.

7:46PM  |   URL:

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Great tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay

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Quotes About Comments
Quotes tagged as "comments" (showing 1-23 of 23)
Shannon L. Alder
“An open Facebook page is simply a psychiatric dry erase board that screams, “Look at me. I am insecure. I need your reaction to what I am doing, but you’re not cool enough to be my friend. Therefore, I will just pray you see this because the approval of God is not all I need.” 
― Shannon L. Alder
tags: be-better, be-kind, clever, comments, embarrassment, fake, give-people-space, google-plus, hidden-agendas, humor, jabs, let-it-go, lighten-up, listen-more, obvious, open-wall, pinterest, posting, quotes, reality, run-away, self-respect, social-media, truthful, wakeup-call, walk-away, women 102 likes Like
“'s what I've learned - people will hurt you, but you don't have to respond - not every mean comment or cruel act deserves to be noticed ...” 
― John Geddes, A Familiar Rain
tags: bullying, comments, cruelty, hurt, ignore, response, wisdom, wise-words 100 likes Like
“I try to make my comments like a woman's skirt: long enough to be respectable and short enough to be interesting. ” 
― Adam Clayton Powell III
tags: comments, guide, how-to, humor, men, women 64 likes Like
Richelle E. Goodrich
“Don't be fool enough to think you can know a person's character after a few moments of observation. You can't. You have no idea where his life began or how his saga has unfolded thus far. Only his present state can you witness. To judge him at a glance is like reading one page in an open book, believing it's enough to confidently recite the story from beginning to end. True, one page may tell you much, but not nearly enough to accurately critique a book or evaluate a life. So, either become his friend and learn his entire story, or refrain from commenting on a tale you know nothing about.” 
― Richelle E. Goodrich, Making Wishes
tags: comments, criticism, critique, judging, judging-others, observation, richelle, richelle-e-goodrich, richelle-goodrich 26 likes Like
Shannon L. Alder
“A quote is not a conversation, but an invitation to change your perspective.” 
― Shannon L. Alder
tags: changing-mind, comments, inspiration, invitation, opinions, perspective, quotes, statements, thoughts 11 likes Like
Robert C. Martin
“A long descriptive name is better than a short enigmatic name. A long descriptive name is better than a long descriptive comment.” 
― Robert C. Martin, Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
tags: agile, comments, computer-programming 9 likes Like
Israelmore Ayivor
“When the weaver bird flies, nobody talks; when the busy bee flies, no one will make comments... But when a human being begins to fly, you begin to hear talks in the town such as "abomination!... where did he get the wings from?". Never mind! Your dreams are your wings, so decide to fly!” 
― Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes
tags: bee, begin-to-fly, bird, birds, bumble-bee, busy-bee, comments, discourage, discouragement, flies, fly, food-for-thought, human, human-beings, israelmore-ayivor, negative, negative-people, negativity, never-mind, town, wings 7 likes Like
Richelle E. Goodrich
“Had she any respect for him at all, his words would've affected her. But no value accompanies comments spewed from the mouth of a brute.” 
― Richelle E. Goodrich, Smile Anyway
tags: brute, comments, criticism, remarks, respect, richelle, richelle-goodrich, unkind-words 7 likes Like
Richelle E. Goodrich
“Okay, let's put this another way―if what you're about to say wouldn't look good permanently engraved on your tombstone, bite your tongue.” 
― Richelle E. Goodrich, Smile Anyway
tags: comments, criticism, remarks, richelle, richelle-goodrich, speech, tongue, unkind-words, words 6 likes Like
“Keep an eye on your responses. Strong responses are about you more than them.” 
― Auliq Ice
tags: behavior, comments, courage, displine, encouragement, forgiveness, freedom, happiness, inspirational, joy, learning-from-mistakes, life, love, manners, motivational, overcoming-challenges, overcoming-obstacles, personal-development, personal-growth, personality, politeness, problem-solving, problems-in-life, relationships, replies, respect, respecting-others, responses, solution-to-problems 4 likes Like
Michael Bassey Johnson
“A deaf and dumb in the mist of morons is a renowed talkative among brains.” 
― Michael Bassey Johnson
tags: brain, brains, brainy, brilliance, camoufladge, comment, comments, condescension, deaf, discussion, dumb, fooling-around, freak, freaks, humor, intelligence, language, michael-bassey-johnson, moron, saying, self-control, speaking, speech, talk, talkative, talking, trick, words 4 likes Like
Michael Bassey Johnson
“Anyone that says his mind will be probably regarded a fool, but the true artist is not moved by the comments about the looks of his painting or remarks that are dreadfully sarcastic, but hearken now! That he who says what others want to hear hasn't said anything of his own.” 
― Michael Bassey Johnson
tags: anyone, art, artist, comments, expression, fake, fake-people, fool, foolishness, hear-now, imitation, insult, message, obsequious, own, painting, power-of-words, remark, remarks, response, sarcasm, say, saying-something, speaking, speech, talking, true-art, words, your-mind 3 likes Like
“On 7 October 1909 E. D.Morel, head of the Congo Reform Association,wrote A. Conan Doyle, a member, that Conrad's story [Heart of Darkness] was the "most powerful thing ever writtenon the subject.” 
― Hunt Hawkins
tags: comments, conrad, hd 1 likes Like
“Albert J. Guerard has justly
called the story "one of the great dark meditationsin literature, and one of the purest expressions of a melancholy temperament.” 
― Hunt Hawkins
tags: comments, conrad, hd 1 likes Like
Richelle E. Goodrich
“Las palabras nunca desaparecen, sino que hacen eco para la eternidad. Deja que tu eco suene dulce.” 
― Richelle E. Goodrich
tags: comments, richelle, richelle-e-goodrich, richelle-goodrich, what-you-say, words 1 likes Like
C.S. Woolley
“Your vile and bitter diatribes only serve to show how vile and bitter you must be.” 
― C.S. Woolley
tags: comments, letting-go, people, positive-thinking 1 likes Like
David Chiles
“Cool posts and kind comments make friends. Think about others online.” 
― David Chiles
tags: comment, comments, contact, friend, friends, netiquette, post, social-media, social-network, status-update 1 likes Like
Austin Kleon
“Comments outnumber ideas.” 
― Austin Kleon, Show Your Work!: 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered
tags: comments, ideas 0 likes Like
“We all have sinned so far in our lives and might continue too but still we all love talking about others sins, Elaborating, exaggerating, laughing, commenting, cursing... And we all enjoy it hahaha” 
― honeya
tags: bitching, commenting, comments, cursing, double-standard, friends, god, laughing, people, sin, sinned, sinner, sins, society, wise-words 0 likes Like
“The importance about a work of Art is not just a question of likes and comments from friends. But the numbers of people who deeply understand the message behind the work.” 
― Steeven Shaw
tags: art, comments, life 0 likes Like
Deyth Banger
“Our self image is based on people comments, so most images are false. You aren't this and this, they made you, because they wanted!” 
― Deyth Banger
tags: based, comments, people, self-image, wanted 0 likes Like
Aaron Blaylock
“Publishing your writing is a bewildering mix of emotions somewhere between parental angst and walking down a public beach wearing only a thong. [scrub all you want that mental picture isn’t going anywhere] You feel all the pride and joy as well as the fear and trepidation that come with putting your child out into the world. At the same time you’ve exposed a part of yourself that is normally private and while you hope people will appreciate it, there is a very real possibility of a backlash.
You’ve prepared yourself for either eventuality but a ‘no comment’ feels like crickets chirping in your soul.” 
― Aaron Blaylock, It's Called Helping...You're Welcome
tags: comments, no-comments, publishing, writing 0 likes Like
Caspar Vega
“I find myself in social situations often where I think of a response to something someone has just said and it’s just too good not to say it. More often than not, it’s something rude or offensive or disturbing. Always funny or poignant, though. And very rarely something I actually feel.” 

― Caspar Vega, The Sexorcism of Amber Holloway

Cool tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay

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Italian tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay

Italian tattoo quotes:

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ad astra per aspera – “through difficulties, to the stars”
This is the motto of the state of Kansas, and of bunches of colleges and military organizations. So it’s very common. But still nice!
alis volat prorilis – “she flies with her own wings” This is also popular for tattoos, and why not? It’s awesome.
amor vincit omnia – “love conquers all” I bet you knew that one. Again, lots of people get this. I’ll get to more unusual choices soon.
aut viam inveniam aut faciam – “I will either find a way or make one” Attributed to Hannibal. The ancient military commander, not the cannibal.
carpe diem – “seize the day” A classic.
dulce periculum – “danger is sweet”
To let everyone know you are a badass.
dum spiro spero – “while I breathe, I hope”
Richard Armitage’s character Lucas North, shown in the photo above, had this one on the back of his neck in the TV show Spooks (called MI-5 in the U.S.) North got the tattoo during the eight years he was in prison in Russia. Great show, by the way.
esto quod es – “be what you are”
excelsior – “ever higher”
The motto of Bradley Cooper’s character in Silver Linings Playbook. Someone told me it is also associated with Stan Lee.
familia supra omnia – “family over everything”
fiat lux – “let there be light”
From the book of Genesis in the Bible.
finis vitae send non amoris – “the end of life, but not of love”
This would be appropriate for a memorial tattoo.
fortes fortuna adiuvat – “fortune favors the bold”
I actually think this one sounds better in English, but that’s just me.
fortis et liber – “strong and free”
ignis aurum probat – “fire tests gold”
This might be nice if you’ve been through some bad times lately.
in omnia paratus – “ready for anything”
Another choice for a badass. This is also the motto of the U.S. Army’s 18th Infantry Regiment, but you can use it too.
invictus maneo – “I remain unvanquished”
memento vivere – “remember to live”
Similar to “carpe diem.”
minima maxima sunt – “The smallest things are the most important.”
This might be a good tattoo after you have a baby. For you, not the baby.
non ducor, duco – “I am not led; I lead”
You tell ’em, honey.
non timebo mala – “I will fear no evil”
I love the sound of this Latin phrase. I know from the TV show Supernatural, because it’s inscribed on the barrel of a Colt that can kill demons. Of course, it’s from Psalm 23 in the Bible
omnia causa flunt – “Everything happens for a reason.”
I do not believe this, personally, but I know lots of people do.
pax aeterna – “eternal peace”
Might be a graceful alternative to “R.I.P.” for a memorial tattoo.
per volar sunata – “born to soar”
Damn right you were!
pulchrum est paucorum hominum – “Beauty is for the few”
A tattoo for the smugly attractive.
semper ad mellora – “always toward better things”
tempus fugit – “time flies”
That’s all for now. Let me know if you have others to add!


Italian tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay

Italian tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay
Italian tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay
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Italian tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay
Italian tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay

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Italian tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay
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Italian tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familayvv

Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Chest tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay

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It is not length of life, but depth of life.
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In such a regime, I say, you died a good death if your life had inspired someone to come forward and shoot your murderer in the chestówithout asking to be paid.
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I can live without money, but I cannot live without love.
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He piled upon the whale's white hump the sum of all the general rage and hate felt by his whole race from Adam down; and then, as if his chest had been a mortar, he burst his hot heart's shell upon it.
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Now it came to pass, that at what time the chest was brought unto the king's office by the hand of the Levites, and when they saw that there was much money, the king's scribe and the high priest's officer came and emptied the chest, and took it, and carried it to his place again. Thus they did day by day, and gathered money in abundance.
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Chest tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay
Chest tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay
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Cute tattoo quotes: Tattoo Quotes for girls for men for guys tumblr for women about life about familay

Cute tattoo quotes:


Quotes About Tattoo
Quotes tagged as "tattoo" (showing 1-30 of 174)
“She was a beautiful dreamer. The kind of girl, who kept her head in the clouds, loved above the stars and left regret beneath the earth she walked on.”
― Robert M. Drake
tags: happyquotes, hope, inspirational, inspirationalquotes, inspired, instadaily, instaquote, lovequotes, pinquotes, poems, poetry, quote, quoteoftheday, quotes, relationships, rmdrake, sadquotes, sayings, spokenword, tattoo, typewriter, vsco, writer, writing 376 likes Like
Jack London
“Show me a man with a tattoo and I'll show you a man with an interesting past.”
― Jack London
tags: character, tattoo, tattoos 366 likes Like
V. Vale
“A tattoo is a true poetic creation, and is always more than meets the eye. As a tattoo is grounded on living skin, so its essence emotes a poignancy unique to the mortal human condition.”
― V. Vale, Modern Primitives: An Investigation of Contemporary Adornment and Ritual
tags: art, body, confidence, creation, creative, emotion, human, mind, mortal, poetic, skin, soul, tattoo, unique 248 likes Like
Sylvia Plath
“Wear your heart on your skin in this life.”
― Sylvia Plath, Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams: Short Stories, Prose and Diary Excerpts
tags: tattoo, tattooing, tattoos 248 likes Like
“Death is the easy part, the hard part is living and knowing you could be so much more then you’re willing to be.”
― Robert M. Drake
tags: happyquotes, hope, inspirational, inspirationalquotes, inspired, instadaily, instaquote, lovequotes, pinquotes, poems, poetry, quote, quoteoftheday, quotes, relationships, rmdrake, sadquotes, sayings, spokenword, tattoo, typewriter, vsco, writer, writing 219 likes Like
Rachel Hawkins
“It occurred to me that my cheek was probably right over his tattoo. Without thinking, I lifted my face and tugged at the neckline of his T-shirt. This time, the stark black-and-gold mark wasn't hidden. No need for that spell anymore, I guess. Still, I covered it with my palm. Archer's hands clutched reflexively on my waist. Our eyes met. "It doesn't burn this time," I whispered.

His breathing was ragged. "Beg to differ, Mercer.”
― Rachel Hawkins, Demonglass
tags: burning, hex-hall, love, relationship, tattoo 186 likes Like
“Sometimes to self-discover you must self-destruct.”
― Robert M. Drake
tags: happyquotes, hope, inspirational, inspirationalquotes, inspired, instadaily, instaquote, lovequotes, pinquotes, poems, poetry, quote, quoteoftheday, quotes, relationships, rmdrake, sadquotes, sayings, spokenword, tattoo, typewriter, vsco, writer, writing 183 likes Like
“A tamed woman will never leave her mark in the world.”
― Robert M. Drake
tags: happyquotes, hope, inspirational, inspirationalquotes, inspired, instadaily, instaquote, lovequotes, pinquotes, poems, poetry, quote, quoteoftheday, quotes, relationships, rmdrake, sadquotes, sayings, spokenword, tattoo, typewriter, vsco, writer, writing 178 likes Like
“Sometimes the most beautiful people are beautifully broken.”
― Robert M. Drake
tags: happyquotes, hope, inspirational, inspirationalquotes, inspired, instadaily, instaquote, lovequotes, pinquotes, poems, poetry, quote, quoteoftheday, quotes, relationships, rmdrake, sadquotes, sayings, spokenword, tattoo, typewriter, vsco, writer, writing 177 likes Like
“Somewhere along the way we all go a bit mad. So burn, let go and dive into the horror, because maybe it’s the chaos which helps us find where we belong.”
― Robert M. Drake
tags: happyquotes, hope, inspirational, inspirationalquotes, inspired, instadaily, instaquote, lovequotes, pinquotes, poems, poetry, quote, quoteoftheday, quotes, relationships, rmdrake, sadquotes, sayings, spokenword, tattoo, typewriter, vsco, writer, writing 168 likes Like
“heavily tattooed women can be said to control and subvert the ever-present 'male gaze' by forcing men (and women) to look at their bodies in a manner that exerts control.”
― Margo Demello
tags: tattoo, women 155 likes Like
“We swallowed the chaos because we knew we didn't want to be ordinary.”
― Robert M. Drake
tags: happyquotes, hope, inspirational, inspirationalquotes, inspired, instadaily, instaquote, lovequotes, pinquotes, poems, poetry, quote, quoteoftheday, quotes, relationships, rmdrake, sadquotes, sayings, spokenword, tattoo, typewriter, vsco, writer, writing 144 likes Like
“The best kind of humans are the ones who stay.”
― Robert M. Drake
tags: happyquotes, hope, inspirational, inspirationalquotes, inspired, instadaily, instaquote, lovequotes, pinquotes, poems, poetry, quote, quoteoftheday, quotes, relationships, rmdrake, sadquotes, sayings, spokenword, tattoo, typewriter, vsco, writer, writing 137 likes Like
“But dear, don’t be afraid of love it’s only magic.”
― Robert M. Drake
tags: happyquotes, hope, inspirational, inspirationalquotes, inspired, instadaily, instaquote, lovequotes, pinquotes, poems, poetry, quote, quoteoftheday, quotes, relationships, rmdrake, sadquotes, sayings, spokenword, tattoo, typewriter, vsco, writer, writing 121 likes Like
“She was broken, I think it’s because she loved too much and she was always blind to the fact that love too is sometimes broken.”
― Robert M. Drake
tags: happyquotes, hope, inspirational, inspirationalquotes, inspired, instadaily, instaquote, lovequotes, pinquotes, poems, poetry, quote, quoteoftheday, quotes, relationships, rmdrake, sadquotes, sayings, spokenword, tattoo, typewriter, vsco, writer, writing 120 likes Like
Michael Thomas Ford
“Seven little crazy kids chopping up sticks;
One burnt her daddy up and then there were six.
Six little crazy kids playing with a hive;
One tattooed himself to death and then there were five.
Five little crazy kids on a cellar door;
One went all schizo and then there were four.
Four little crazy kids going out to sea;
One wouldn't say a word and then there were three.
Three little crazy kids walking to the zoo;
One jerked himself too much and then there were two.
Two little crazy kids sitting in the sun;
One a took a bunch of pills and then there was one.
One little crazy kid left all alone;
He went and slit his wrists, and then there were none.”
― Michael Thomas Ford, Suicide Notes
tags: burn, crazy, drown, jerking, kids, notes, pills, schizo, silence, slitting, suicide, suicide-notes, tattoo 115 likes Like
“If I lived a million lives, I would've felt a million feelings and I still would've fallen a million times for you.”
― Robert M. Drake
tags: happyquotes, hope, inspirational, inspirationalquotes, inspired, instadaily, instaquote, lovequotes, pinquotes, poems, poetry, quote, quoteoftheday, quotes, relationships, rmdrake, sadquotes, sayings, spokenword, tattoo, typewriter, vsco, writer, writing 109 likes Like
“It’s funny, for all it took was a broken heart and that alone was enough, enough for her to do everything she ever dreamed of.”
― Robert M. Drake
tags: happyquotes, hope, inspirational, inspirationalquotes, inspired, instadaily, instaquote, lovequotes, pinquotes, poems, poetry, quote, quoteoftheday, quotes, relationships, rmdrake, sadquotes, sayings, spokenword, tattoo, typewriter, vsco, writer, writing 107 likes Like
“Suddenly, everything was beautiful. The way she viewed the world was nothing more but a reflection of herself.”
― Robert M. Drake
tags: happyquotes, hope, inspirational, inspirationalquotes, inspired, instadaily, instaquote, lovequotes, pinquotes, poems, poetry, quote, quoteoftheday, quotes, relationships, rmdrake, sadquotes, sayings, spokenword, tattoo, typewriter, vsco, writer, writing 106 likes Like
Alexander Pope
“You purchase pain with all that joy can give and die of nothing but a rage to live.”
― Alexander Pope, Moral Essays
tags: tattoo 102 likes Like
“Appreciate the moment of a first kiss; it may be the last time you own your heart.”
― Robert M. Drake
tags: happyquotes, hope, inspirational, inspirationalquotes, inspired, instadaily, instaquote, lovequotes, pinquotes, poems, poetry, quote, quoteoftheday, quotes, relationships, rmdrake, sadquotes, sayings, spokenword, tattoo, typewriter, vsco, writer, writing 101 likes Like
“Society will always be too fragile to accept us for all that makes us beautiful.”
― Robert M. Drake
tags: happyquotes, hope, inspirational, inspirationalquotes, inspired, instadaily, instaquote, lovequotes, pinquotes, poems, poetry, quote, quoteoftheday, quotes, relationships, rmdrake, sadquotes, sayings, spokenword, tattoo, typewriter, vsco, writer, writing 98 likes Like
“Madness and chaos are self-destructing but over thinking is the suicide.”
― Robert M. Drake
tags: happyquotes, hope, inspirational, inspirationalquotes, inspired, instadaily, instaquote, lovequotes, pinquotes, poems, poetry, quote, quoteoftheday, quotes, relationships, rmdrake, sadquotes, sayings, spokenword, tattoo, typewriter, vsco, writer, writing 98 likes Like
“The truth is I didn’t need therapy; I just needed to feel loved and know that someone out there craved my attention.”
― Robert M. Drake
tags: happyquotes, hope, inspirational, inspirationalquotes, inspired, instadaily, instaquote, lovequotes, pinquotes, poems, poetry, quote, quoteoftheday, quotes, relationships, rmdrake, sadquotes, sayings, spokenword, tattoo, typewriter, vsco, writer, writing 97 likes Like
“I had to learn to live without you and I couldn't make sense of it, because I left so much of me inside of you.”
― Robert M. Drake
tags: happyquotes, hope, inspirational, inspirationalquotes, inspired, instadaily, instaquote, lovequotes, pinquotes, poems, poetry, quote, quoteoftheday, quotes, relationships, rmdrake, sadquotes, sayings, spokenword, tattoo, typewriter, vsco, writer, writing 91 likes Like
“She was broken from moment to moment, watching her world collide she felt lost inside herself. She fell apart for a passion that flamed beneath her. She waited and died a hundred times, it dripped from her pores. The moment she let go, she soared over the stillness like the star she was born to be.”
― Robert M. Drake
tags: happyquotes, hope, inspirational, inspirationalquotes, inspired, instadaily, instaquote, lovequotes, pinquotes, poems, poetry, quote, quoteoftheday, quotes, relationships, rmdrake, sadquotes, sayings, spokenword, tattoo, typewriter, vsco, writer, writing 80 likes Like
Sarah J. Maas
“What have you done to me?"
Rhysand stood, running a hand through his short, dark hair. It's custom in my court for bargains to be permanently marked upon flesh."
I rubbed my left forearm and hand, the entirety of which was now covered in swirls and whorls of black ink. Even my fingers weren't spared, and a large eye was tattooed in the center of my palm. It was feline, and its slitted pupil stared right back me.
"Make it go away," I said, and he laughed.
"You humans are truly grateful creatures, aren't you?”
― Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses
tags: bargain, feyre, rhys, rhysand, tattoo, the-night-court 80 likes Like
“It was never about the world being too big, it was more like she was too much for the world to handle.”
― Robert M. Drake
tags: happyquotes, hope, inspirational, inspirationalquotes, inspired, instadaily, instaquote, lovequotes, pinquotes, poems, poetry, quote, quoteoftheday, quotes, relationships, rmdrake, sadquotes, sayings, spokenword, tattoo, typewriter, vsco, writer, writing 74 likes Like
“Maybe love was meant to save us from ourselves.”
― Robert M. Drake
tags: happyquotes, hope, inspirational, inspirationalquotes, inspired, instadaily, instaquote, lovequotes, pinquotes, poems, poetry, quote, quoteoftheday, quotes, relationships, rmdrake, sadquotes, sayings, spokenword, tattoo, typewriter, vsco, writer, writing 55 likes Like
“You’re not a bad person, you’re just a little bit different and I’m a sucker for that.”
― Robert M. Drake

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